Virgin run with new bubbler!

I’m brand new to vaping. Decided to go with Dynavap because of the easy learning curve. Found out vapor harshes me too much and I always cough up a lung. Can’t use it. Everyone suggests a bubbler. I chose the Grav coffee mug. I hope this works because I love my woodwynd DV and can’t wait to fully enjoy it. Banana MAC is the ribbon cutter. Wish me luck!

I’m brand new to vaping. Decided to go with Dynavap because of the easy learning curve. Found out vapor harshes me too much and I always cough up a lung. Can’t use it. Everyone suggests a bubbler. I chose the Grav coffee mug. I hope this works because I love my woodwynd DV and can’t wait to fully enjoy it. Banana MAC is the ribbon cutter. Wish me luck!