ATK Top Generals🩸

1: Ksoo (The fat ass demon) Ksoo would be set to lead the battle of the Hilltop village where him and his right hand (33) would go out and attack as 6block didn’t think ATK would be a threat. Ksoo would be set to kill one of 6block up and coming general (bibby) Ksoo would show no remorse considering Bibby was only 16. As he was wielding his weapon he successfully killed the young general standing over him and putting 2 bullets in his head. However this wouldn’t satisfy the fat ass nigga ksoo he ALLEGEDLY would go out with some of his top ranking generals looking to catch someone from the other side. He would catch a member from PCE gunning him down in broad light. The General would get booked for these 2 murders and would get taken off the War. He’s still in jail waiting for his trial. The General would cry and bitch to the outside people of him getting abused that fat ass nigga.

2: Scotty (33/Short ass ruler) Scotty first body would allegedly be Lil jugg from 6block. This would deeply affect the King Pin (6) As he would die right In front of his face, including recording his body. Scotty would climb up the ranks and become the second General of ATK as he would allegedly be present for the murders of bibby, looking out to take out a 6block member (Popout) Just like Ksoo he would allegedly be present for the murder of a PCE/6block member gunning him down in board light. He would break into a random civilian house and choke her.

3: Ybeezy (Caleb His sister a slut) Ybeezy would quickly climb the ATK ranks as he would get arrested for the shooting of 6block top member. Ybeezy would get out due to the fact he was innocent however he known who the actual shooter was. Him keeping it solid would gain him respect. Ybeezy would act oblivious as he noticed that the king pin 6 was performing in California. It is said to be that he would go out and end the King pin 6 Breaking into a random car and high spending at night. He would get caught and face time. He is currently out. Being one of the few Generals to be out of jail.

4: Tayshotz ( I go by Shotz the other Shotz dead) would seem to take on charge of the charge of the NHG General as Ksoo is in jail awaiting for his trail. Tayshotz would climb up the ranks as being a sharp shooter as he was allergy responsible for the murder of a high ranking member of BG (rico osama) He would allegedly be another shooter of the death of Teki. He would seem to take on foolio in music, clubhouse , lives. He would gain respect and be called the General of NHG.

5: Ray Spazz (Savage Spazz) he would climb up the ATK ranks as he was a well know fighter and was one of the original YG members. As the result of 23 (YG) a High ranking member who was killed by 6block, Ray spazz would lose his mind and crash out shooting his gf in the stomach and face thinking she was the OPPS. This would get the young general behide bars for life.

6: Reddot (Ratdot) Reddot would allegedly be the one to shoot at a high ranking 6block General (pooh50) however his weapon wouldn’t be able to get the job done. Reddot would allegedly be involved with the Murder of a high ranking General (Teki) he would be the suspect as Ksoo would shout him out in multiple times and him posting about Teki. He would go from one of the Top and Respect generals of ATK only for him to rat on his own brother.ATK king pin would acknowledge this in a song.

Yungeen ace would break apart ATK from fear of being in the Feds. ATK would be down on the score but with the help of there Allie’s they almost completely wiped off KTA/6Block.