What combos should I not Mix?

Right now in my Armory, I have 43x Clonazepam 2mg, 2 pints (180mg) of Robitussin DM, SSRIs (Vortioxetine 5mg, Lexapro 10mg, Zoloft 100mg and Prozac 20mg), 2x Bottles of Soju (18% Alc), 4x of Ecstasy (250mg / 300mg), Nicotine (Vapes and Cigarettes) and some Anti-Psychotics (Clozapine & Clonazepam).

Now, I want to know what would be dangerous to mix since I love mixing drugs. For example, sometimes, I would take DXM + Soju and Weed, gets me really tipsy and really chill with a side of robo-tripping. Sometimes when I feel like shit, I would risk Benzos (Clonazepam) + Shot of DXM + Soju and just top it off with Coca-Cola.

What Drugs would be dangerous to mix? Whether it be in my availability or not. I'm also planning to dabble in Psychedelics too so any advice / comments would really be appreciated.

Note: Pregabalin 300mg might also be coming up in the armory, maybe also a bit of Viagra for some fun nights, LOL. Though, it is not final, but I'd love to know what would be risky / dangerous to be combined / mix with.

Edit: Of course I'd also love to know what drugs are fine / cool to mix with. Yk? Up the potency! And party more and hard! LOL. Whether it be just your personal experience, please gladly share. I'd love to know and experience more.