I think I fried my brain

So I’m 15 and I’ve been doing drugs since I was 13 it started off innocent like just smoking weed every couple weeks like that but then when I got dealers I started to smoke every day and I still do 2 years later, But at 14 years old I started to try more harder drugs like mdma, magic mushrooms, ketamine and acid but the one I’ve been having the most problems with is acid for some weird reason I’ve been taking acid a lot lately by a lot I mean I’ve taken it atleast 3 times every week for the last 3 months and after my last few trips I’ve realised I can’t really think anymore like I used to be able to like day dream and imagine things in my head but now I just can’t it’s just blank up there I know it sounds dumb Becuase no one really like gets addicted to acid right I don’t know