Dream about amphibians dressed in Victorian era clothing

I had a dream that my mom, sister and myself were on an evening walk on boardwalks around swamps and bogs. We crossed paths with several others that evening; it was a clear night, a lot of stars. We begin to walk down a boardwalk that descends into the water but have no troubles breathing. We encounter a world of amphibians dressed in Victorian era clothing partying on steamships and bistros; it’s sunny underwater, like it’s daytime. We travel through this world nodding to the amphibians and it’s loud with their conversations. It’s a jolly, pleasant scene. We ascend to the surface and it’s evening again and as we continue to cross the paths of other people again, we explain what just happened, and none of them have any clue what we’re speaking about. I’ve done some reading about the meanings behind different amphibians (as it was salamanders, snakes, frogs, etc.) and there is just so much info out there. Wondering what everyone here might think...