Ludwig confirms the second woman was also a friend of Dream

Edit/Remark : I dislike seeing some comments trying to blame Ludwig or discussing the woman insulted like there are more things to know. The basis of it doesn't change : if Dream offended someone, no matter how unwillingly or if the person was a friend, he should be more careful about this type of behavior.

I only shared this because it was too important to clarify Dream didn't call a stranger that way.

Last episode of the Yard 00:05:05,

This is not to try the guess the persons identity or diminish the story. It is to correct the narrative Dream calls random women with that word.

Second occurence is with someone that Ludwig also considers to be a friend of Dream, like for Robbo's case. I repeat, this is not to diminish what happened but seems like it was said between persons considered friends and not Dream adressing a random woman