Scariest dash tonight
The most scariest thing happened to me tonight. I was to deliver food to a guy who wanted it dropped at their door. On getting to the house, the whole place is dark, like a block of houses but the door area is lighted. I am getting down from my car to drop the food at his door and noticed a guy across the street working hurriedly towards me. Thank God I wasn’t too far from my car. This was around 8pm or so. He’s talking casually but i hear him saying something about Amazon driver. Seems like a casual conversation but I can tell he’s trying to sound casual so he can get closer to me. I can’t see his face cos everywhere is dark but something about his demeanor doesn’t seem right. I quickly ran back to my car and locked all 4 doors. He sees me running and he just disappears. I texted the guy I was delivering to come pick up his food as I’m parked outside cos there’s a crazy guy harassing me across the street. Thank God he quickly comes out and grabs his food and then I get back into my car and drive off. That was how my dash ended for the night. I can bet you I would have been robbed or maybe something funny would have happened if I didn’t get back into my car asap. No jokes! I didn’t report to dash though. I just thank God I’m safe and listened to my instincts. Be safe out there guys!