Tips for fight before reaching paragon requirement
Hi everyone, I would like to ask for tips to win the fight against three eggs in the osa temple just before reaching the step of the quest that requires the paragon of power.
I have a team of 4 and it was pretty easy with fogger and panda. But I'm having a really hard time trying to win with a lvl 199 multi Xelor.
Those eggs have 6 MP and have infinite PO in line and do not require line of sight and they deal like 800-900 dmg each. The first turns I can get some distance but it seems kind of impossible to be 6 tiles away in diagonal of every single one so they cant reach me.
Xelor does not have enough sustain to tank much. I have like 3.4k hp, using dokoko, but still cant win, so yea basically came here for tips. I think its insane how easy it is for some classes to win some solo fights while others struggle, obviously there is a skill issue, but I dont think Im that bad either.
If I cant win I guess I'll wait to have a lvl 200 set and retry but that wouldnt be ideal as I will be doing many 200 dungeons. Thanks in advance.