12/10/24 Maintenance Patch Notes
- Quest "The Grafioze" : Scarafoil wings can be used instead of shells to open one of the gates of the plant prison.
- The Tatouf that was hidden behind a cliff of the Territory Cacterre is now visible.
- Quest "Say, sawmill?" : The rudimentary broom is now removed from the inventory when you leave the workshop of the lumberjacks of the Snowy Futaie.
- Quests of the Tourist Agency : it is now possible to start the quests and then resume a dungeon backup to validate the objectives "Talk to the Good Organizer" before beating the guards (this avoids resuming the dungeon to zero to validate the objectives of dialogue).
- Quest "The tufts of heroes" : the recipes of the pair of iron scissors and sesame oil have been modified to take into account the scarcity of sesame seeds as loot.
- Quest "It's frugal once" : the amount of sesame seeds requested by Bol Pokuz has been decreased.
- Quest "When the spirits warm up" and "Ambre's Oath": the Seal of Terrakourial is now clearly visible.
- Quest "The beginning of the end" : on the map [17;32], the element is interactive to validate the stage of the quest
Visual & animations
- The ornaments related to alignments are correctly displayed.
- Living objects now have a version Man /Woman.
- The size of the Montilier Archimere is reduced.
- Idle animations have been added on about thirty familiars.
- About thirty pictos and equipment visuals have been reworked.
- Some of the missing emotions have been added.
- In the inventory, the visuals of some gifts were distorted. This problem has now been corrected.
Back to Rush
- The chat message when unlocking a pioneer success now displays the name of the player and his team instead of that of the guild.
- On krosmic disruptions related to a boss, all players present in the fight now earn points.
- The number of groups of monsters in a dungeon during a Krosmic disturbance has been increased
- The chat message sent 15min before the launch of a Krosmic disturbance sometimes displayed poorly. This problem has now been corrected.
- Chat messages related to krosmic disruptions are no longer sent to the historical servers.
- Combat :
- In the interface of choice of challenges, the bonus chosen changed when choosing its challenge. This problem has now been corrected.
- Companion preview now displays companion stats correctly, even when they are targeted outside of their turn of play.
- In some cases, the character could be misdirected when launching an attack. This problem has now been corrected.
- The timeline will update correctly when a new wave arrives in a fight.
- When a spell is cast on a box, it is now possible to click on this box to move there without having to take his mouse out of the box and then return.
- House /guild enclosure :
- Changes to the log are now clearly visible to the player who wrote it.
- The "Join" button on a /house enclosure is now disabled if the player does not have the potion for.
- The guild information in the house share is now correct.
- The nickname of the owner of a house is correctly displayed
- The check box "Share this house with my guild" no longer unseals abnormally after the house has been shared.
- In the house details interface from the guild interface :
- the position is now clickable.
- the image is correctly displayed.
- the offer line is withdrawn
- Guild / Alliances:
- The overview of the guild message allows to display the date and the player who made the last modification
- The context menu for editing a member's rank closes correctly using "Echap"
- The text of the "Save" button no longer exceeds the button
- The success value is correctly centered on the column
- The edit/order creation text box is now higher so that letters like "q" or "p" are no longer cut
- The default rank name drop-down list is displayed correctly
- The operation of the check boxes of the rights of the trunk tabs 1 and 2 are now standardized.
- The right "Manage the guild vault" no longer abnormally conditions the right "Manage the ranks and general rights inferior to mine"
- The right "Sell an enclosure" is now well selectable.
- The "Select all rights" button is no longer displayed for the rank of Guild Master.
- If no one has made changes to the log yet, the log will not now show a default text on the last change
- The "Show name in transactions" right now works correctly.
- The drop-down menu for assigning a rank now takes into account the rank of the player who is doing the attribution
- The max number of characters of the title and guild presentation are now well displayed
- The names of the fields "minimum player level" and "minimum success points" are correctly displayed
- It is now possible to accept requests for recruitment of a guild (also corrected for alliances)
- Veterans Rewards items are now functional in play.
- When gaining level, the character is now well displayed in case the player had a familiar team.
- In some cases, the list of gifts and in-game purchases was not displayed. This problem has now been corrected.
- The chest picto to recover its successes :
- The snap is working properly
- Sometimes the pictogram appears outside the screen. This problem has now been corrected
- Resetting the HUD repositions this picto to its default position.
- In the success recovery interface, hovering over a won title displays the title title title well.
- In the business interface, a space is added between the thousands of experience points.
- In the panoply interface, it is now possible to use the wheel on the number of items in the panoply to switch from one bonus to another.
- In the inventory interface, the last filter used was always displayed when it should not. This problem has now been corrected.
- The filters "Certificates", "Montiliers", "Familiers" and "Compagnons" now work correctly in the encyclopedia.
- Kolizeum:
- Returning from a Kolizeum fight, the sets displayed in the shortcut bar are no longer replaced by spell pictograms.
- Returning from a Kolizeum fight as a spectator, the spell pictos are now correctly displayed in the spell bar.
- The sets work correctly again in Kolizeum.
- The option "Do not gain experience in Kolizeum" is now unchecked by default.
- Cat :
- At the end of the fight, the cat returns to the main channel.
- The chat message linked to the "warn when a friend, guild member or character on the game map wins a level" option now displays the player's name.
- The winning message of a new ornament now displays the name of the ornament
- Selling items to NPCs works properly.
- The confirmation pop-up of buying an object in HDV sometimes appeared abnormally. This problem has now been corrected.
- It is now possible to hover over a player on a mountain and to display its contextual menu.
- When connecting, it sometimes happened that the game runs without ever showing the list of servers. This problem has now been corrected.
- Feeding a familiar :
- The preview of the statistics values that the familiar will gain is now correct
- The interface is now very much in the foreground.
- Minimum distribution interface of characteristics :
- the interface is properly closed when the characteristics interface is closed
- the interface is correctly positioned to the left of the feature (and not pasted to the left of the screen)
- Players with a nickname with more than 20 characters can now pass the color/face selection step imposed on the historical servers.
- Fixed 2 spellbar shortcuts that had the same default value (location 13 and location 16 that had all 2 ctrl+' )
- Shop in game:
- Some categories were not displayed. This problem has now been corrected.
- The picto de havre sac is correctly displayed
- The pictos of the categories are no longer blurry.
- After a fight, the alterations "Rube" and "Zinuzide" are correctly displayed even when the player already had an alteration on him.
- It is now possible to use the staircase to get out of the map of the Beast of Frigost
- The 5-leaf clovers harvested are now well displayed as such.
- It is now possible to open Brakmar's garbage bins again.
- The Kolizeum podium is updated.
- The rate of obtaining the Dragodinde of Nowel follower is well at 100% at all grades of the Dragodinde of Nowel and the Dragodinde of Nowel wild
- The recipes of the following items have been modified: Wa Wabbit Crown, Minor Solid, Wa Wabbit Terrier Key, Amupapier, Hache Darsson, Minotot Sandals
- Correction on the theoretical jet of the locksmith's Shield
- The Little golden pearl no longer gives abnormally Mominotor Headgear.
- The recipe for gligli wax (and its improved version) has been modified: it now requires 2 Groins of Plains Boar instead of a Hazelnut.
- Bottes d'Otomai: the recipe is available again.
- Panoplies of Torkelonia:
- the PM bonus becomes a PA bonus
- Panoplit
- +50 / +70 Power ; 10 Leakage, Withdrawal, Critical Damage
- Krobes Panoplies
- 3 Items : +60 Puisance
- 4 Items : +100 Power
- Panoplie de la Baleine
- 4 / 8 / 12 / 16% Critical
- 4 Items : +10 Critical Damage
- 5 Items : +100 Power, +20 Damage Reviews
- Panoplie de Pol Ouatnos
- 60 Power
- Drowned Panoplies
- 60 Power
- Crocuzko Panoplies
- 3% Critical
- Panoply of Judiciers
- 5% Resistors, +150 Vitality
- Poullia
- +1 IN, +10% Water
- Panoply of the Bworker Gladiator
- + Blade Assacre
- 5 Items : +1 PO
- Panoplie Phossile
- PM > PA
- Dragoeuf stick & Arc du Dragoeuf
- +200 Vitality
- Panoplie du Dragoeuf Cuirassade
- + Hammer, Shovel, Axe & Sword of the Dragoeuf
- +30 Power
- 4 Items : +60 Power, +200 Vitality, +30 Damage Thrust
- Panoply of the Vagabond Dragoeuf
- + Arc, Baton, Baguette & Dagues du Dragoeuf
- Base: +15 Damage
- 4 Items : +10% Review, +20 Damage
- Panoply of the skeptical frigostian
- Ring Nostik + Amulette Rangleur
- 1 PM, 22 Do Air and Water, 10 Do Fire, 30 Power, 20 Prospecting, 50 Chance, 50 Agility, 15 Care
- Panoply of the doubtful frigostian
- Hat Pourih + Ankle Boots
- Ankle boots Hodore > level 181
- 10 Earth Damage, Neutral, 50 Strength, 10% Critical, 30 Power, 30 Wisdom, 1 Summon
- Abridged Panoplies
- Amulet Cetera + Ring Tabene
- Tabene Ring > -15 > +9 Damage Neutral
- 10 Neutral Damage, Earth, Water, 10 Leak, 15 Prospecting, 30 Wisdom, 1 Summoning
- Panoply of the approximate fridge
- Cape Peupret + Belt Bine
- 50 Intelligence, 50 Agility, 30 Power, 5 Damage, 10 Fire Damage, 10 Air Damage, 1 PM, 10% Critical
- Panoply of the enchanting frigostian
- Cape Tivante + Slip Noze
- Cape Tivante: 12 Damages Water
- 1 IN, 60 Strength, 60 Agility, 30 Power, 30 Wisdom 20 Damage Thrust
- Panoplie du Grolandais
- Fancrome Axe, Pirate Vigie Hammer, Ghost
- 1 PM, 30 Power, 10% Critical, 15 Critical Damage
- Dofus du Cauchemar:
- The Bontarian Shield and Brakmarian Power are no longer removed when the Eye of the Nightmare is triggered
- Panoply of Corruption :
- Bonus PM → PA
- The malus of 5 Esquive PA is removed
- Critical Damage : 10 > 15
- Panoply of War :
- The 20-leak malus is removed
- Wulan Arch :
- Cost in PA : 5 → 4
- Bonus CC : +10 → +7
- Chaloeil Arch
- Maximum range : 7 → 8
- Review : 5% → 10%
- Ecaflip:
- Smell & Wheel of Fortune
- The table is no longer erased when casting spells if no card is present in hand
- Smell & Wheel of Fortune
- Eliotrope:
- The portal is now well centered on the box where it is placed.
- Enutrof
- The shield worn by the player doubled during the animation of certain attacks. This problem has now been corrected.
- Huppermage
- Elementary Drain: the FX is correctly directional
- Pandawa
- Some animations dismembered the pandawa when he wore a suit. This problem has now been corrected.
- Ruffler
- Fixed preview issues on the bomb combo
This was translated using Google Translate, so some sections may read a bit awkwardly. Overall, it seems like these patch notes didn’t address any of the major bugs or issues, particularly the skill cooldown glitch in Kolossium and the turn-skipping bug that happens when you press a spell shortcut as soon as your turn begins.