Growing Mole / Allergies


I have a 2.5 year old Doberman male. He has had lots of allergy problems throughout his life and we have settled on rabbit kibble (tried HA, individual meats, etc) and monthly Cytopoint shots after over 1.5 years of costly vet and dermatologist visits. He stays yeasty and smelly even within a day of giving him a bath. We’ve just grown used to this being his life. At least he isn’t itchy or flaring up anymore…

We normally go to the dermatologist for Cytopoint shots for him. Last month he developed a small mole on the back of his front hind leg. We noticed and asked them about it, and they mentioned we could monitor it for a month, and have it evaluated/tested at the next Cytopoint appointment (today) if it wasn’t better. Today we went in and it is indeed growing, albeit slowly. They were unable to fit him into a sampling today, but they said they should be able to next month at his Cytopoint.

If not, we’ll have to pay for an appointment (150) in addition to the already $100+ skin testing. Honestly just looking to see if this is a common thing, or someone has experience and can recognize what this is and it could be treated with an OTC med or something. Trying to avoid another expensive run to the dermatologist.

Feels like it’s just one thing after another. Poor guy is so young but has had it rough. Not to mention how much we have shelled out trying to figure this all out, only to settle on “good enough”.

Anyone recognize this? Advice? Thoughts?

He’s such a good boy otherwise. So well trained and obedient. Very clingy and in your face, but that’s dobies…

Thanks, Dillon