D&D Beyond deleting all 2014 spells and Magic items
If you're planning on using 2014 content either alongside or instead of 2024, you'll need an alternate source for your spells and magic items. While they are currently intending to allow access to some 2014 content, they're replacing those completely with 2024 versions.
It's unfortunate that they aren't simply tagging the old content and allowing you to select the version you'd like to use. If they want to actually do a stable version of DnD that can be updated, WotC should get behind version control. They're using a Legacy badge for some content, they should expand that.
Edit: This kind of blew up - I want to be clear to anyone that your books aren't being removed, the spells and magic items are just being removed from the character creator and digital toolset. In other words, you'll still be able to look them up in the book, per the current announcement. I can't imagine they'll ever legally be able to take your book access away.