Magic Prosthetics

So some background information: My party all split up to scavenge for food (I got half-eaten by a dire wolf from rolling a nat 1) and one of my party members rolled a low number and found a giant boar, he gave it some food and rolled a nat 20 to tame it, later on when we made some money we had a custom set of plate armor built for this boar, which is now named Ben, Ben the Boar is now a beloved party member and ruthless fighter, but we want to take him even higher, the party has hatched a plan to cast awaken on Ben the Boar and the wizard will teach it basic cantrips from his spellbook (accepted by the DM) but we need a way for Ben to cast spells with somatic material, we thought about making some magic prosthetics so attach to his armor but we don't know how to make any, is there any sort of spell that he can use to give himself hands? mage hand uses somatic so thats off the table.