Was I dissociating?
I was talking with a friend about her dissociation experiences and I said that I had something similar but I'm not sure if I was dissociating or not because it's not like any of the other forms I've seen online.
I was walking in gym class when I started to feel like I was in the wrong body, I started to feel phantom limbs of limbs I've never had. I felt animal ears on my head, a tail a snout and my hands looked wrong. My whole body looked wrong. Now looking back on it nothing actually looked wrong like what I was seeing was right but a part of my brain was telling me "no, that's not yours" My voice sounded wrong and luckily, my friend carried the conversation and I didn't have to talk much but me speaking just sounded so wrong.
By the end of my next class I was back to normal but that was so wierd, was I dissociating?