with Yukine being the last esper, who is your best and less favorite esper of the year?
29 new espers: Feng Xun, Yalina, Yu Ran, Su Jue, Yu Xu, Fumitsuki, Ikki, Fu Shi, Chu Yao, Wu You, Sakura, Momo, Fatimah, Amir, Petros, Sloan, Elif, Moroyama, Ossana, META Li Ling, Lu Shang, Yu Jing, Zi He, META Yun Chaun, Wenlock, Bi Tao, Ming Shuo, Nathaniel and Yukine.
esper design, gameplay, lore, theme, etc
me -- best: Su Jue, shines on every aspect and the best esper of the year (on my opinion)
less: Petros, just dissapointed on his design for minotaur.