Anyone have a character that really affected them other than Harry or Kim?

A few days ago me and my girlfriend finished our joint playthrough (my fifth, her first) where I moved Harry around and she made all the decisions.

I was super excited for her to get to The Deserter because he has some incredibly dense political commentary that - while interspersed with insanity - hits the nail on the head in a few areas.

Not even more than five lines of dialogue from him and she immediately wanted to rush through things he said, not because it was boring or didn't feel like it was useful to us, but because he was genuinely upsetting to her.

The Deserter's way of speaking, constant misogynistic anger and muttering of "whores........" as well as him just generally already feeling like a threat meant she didn't want to hear any more from him than she strictly needed to because he was "Way too real feeling".

For her, The Deserter was too grounded in his rage and justifications - particularly regarding women - and she just couldn't stand to be around him very long. The Phasmid, though? Oh she loved her. Related to her characterization and everything.

Anyone else have a character in Disco that really affected them, positively or negatively?