Debra Morgan is better than we've been told & Jennifer Carpenter crushed this role

So, I know Deb has gotten a lot of hate since this show first debuted. For a long time I felt the same way, but now I'm feeling way different.

I hadn't watched Dexter since it originally aired. So many things about Deb bothered me so by the time Season 8 came around I was fed up with the character & seriously, in love with Dexter? Awful decision by the show runner. Now though? I see a pretty strong woman, but with no self esteem or self worth. Really, she's just obsessed with fitting in, of being good enough for her father, and being loved by a man with no wants nothing from her.

The only difference is, before I watched the show as it came out. Waiting a week for each episode, waiting up to a year for a new season, plus random breaks in the schedule...that makes you forget about so many little things, and what I mostly remember were big things that happened and things people talked & wrote about.

This time I streamed & watched it straight through, remembering so much & seeing her character for what she really was (I guess?). The actress actually did a great job. She absolutely KILLED scenes that were well written & has become one of my favorites. All the fucks, I never really cared, but I get why people got annoyed. It wasn't the character or actress, it was bad writing. It came off as annoying because at least 35% of the time, it didn't fit into the convo, it was so forced.