Israel Palestine confusion

I’m watching the Israel Palestine video destiny put out today and I’m about 40% through, and I have a couple questions.

1.) destiny makes it seem there was no government in Palestine between the fall of the Ottoman Empire and Britain claiming the territory. After doing some reading it seems that several ethnic and religious leaders (Christian and Muslim) came together for over a month and created the first Palestinian national congress, after Britain and France agreed neither country would claim the land. Would there be a reason why he wouldn’t see this government as a legitimate body that was guaranteed that land by the same country that took it?

2.) following up on the last question, destiny refers to the idea of a Jewish homeland being created after world war 2. Yes, that was when Israel was created, but jews had been migrated to the area against Palestinian wishes for over 30 years. One of the reasons Britain took control of Palestine was to create a Jewish homeland in the area.

I think this context is important because if you’re a Palestinian it’s hard to hear a “but what about the holocaust?” Argument. Especially when it was Europeans killing the Jews and not Palestinians. It just seems like an odd place to decide to put the Jewish homeland… until you realize this is the same piece of land Europeans have been trying to conquer since the crusades. And then you look and some of the biggest private groups and donors to Israel today and they are evangelicals that believe that Jesus will come back when Jerusalem is the sole home of the Jews again. As much as destiny may not like it, I believe the history of how we got here is entirely relevant to today.

Understandably, Hamas is absolutely terrible and they have not been productive or positive in any manner, but it was Israel who originally supported Hamas in the area and played a big role in them becoming so influential. Sometimes you reap what you sow