Any 32nd Avenue Books horror stories?

For those who don't know, 32nd Avenue Books is a notorious bookstore in the Highland Park area. The owners do not allow anyone to browse the bookshelves. You have to know what book you're getting before you come in. They will physically block you from walking into the books area, and if you try to look at the shelves they will ask you to leave. I have experienced this firsthand.

Some people suspect that the store is some kind of money-laundering front, but I don't think that makes much sense. If a business is laundering money, you'd think they would want a lot of people coming in, so they can mix the laundered money with legitimate money.

Anyone else have any stories about 32nd Avenue Books?

To add one good thing, there is an excellent used book store just a few blocks away called West Side Books. They're a must-visit place in Denver for book lovers.

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who commented. It’s good to know we’re all not alone in this strangeness.