It's pointless to decode Gurus if we don't solve the problems that make people flock to Gurus.


People listen to Gurus because they yearn for meaning, purpose and the solution to their struggles in life.

What is the point of decoding Gurus if we can't solve these problems?

Look at Religion, it used to bait so many because it promised to solve their worldly problems, give them a place in heaven. But tech and knowledge have made the world better and people become less religious.

So, why not develop better meanings, purposes and solutions? If we can do that, then the Gurus will become obsolete and less attractive to the people.

  1. What should be the meaning of life?

  2. What should be the purpose of life?

  3. What are the best ways to alleviate the struggles of life?

Let's brainstorm, 300 words essay go!
