Can someone explain the Anathema towards Sam Harris on this pod/community?

You guessed it ;p, I do enjoy listening to Sam Harris. I came to this pod for some criticism of his points and I've enjoyed listening to most of what Chris and Matt have had to say about him as well as other gurus. I have found myself frustrated at some of what they've had to say about some of them. But overall I get it and they make many solid points with good reasons as to why we should not put anyone on a pedestal/idolize them.

Im still very new to the pod, only been listening for a few weeks. Perhaps 'Anathema' is too strong a word as there is much to criticize in good faith. Still he is brought up a lot as if we should be wary of his community and like, hoards of sycophantic fans?? Kind of like he will go down in history as a cautionary tale.That's the vibe I get but I feel like I may be missing something/misunderstanding the situation. Is there a reason for this? Do Harris fans tend to be more stuck up and pretentious? Are they easy to offend? Are they bottled up in a frame of mind that Sam has imparted on them from which they struggle to see through? Was there a situation/drama of some kind that occurred? Am I just butt hurt that they criticized my favourite guru? Probably all of the above but I would like to know your thoughts!!