Is abstentionism always a useful tool?

Assuming that I identify myself as an post-anarchist, I am curious to know your opinion and the thesis that follows.

Personally, I believe that constant abstention from voting is sometimes more of a problem than an intelligent solution. Especially when voting, although part of a system of control, can still help achieve some goals that are part of our social struggles.

I am not the first to have this opinion: already in the last century, Camillo Berneri criticized abstentionism, which had turned from a tactical tool and means of agitation, at a time when most of the population did not have the right to vote, into a true dogma, a sort of customary element that the anarchist movement used to maintain its fragile identity.

Let me give you a small practical example to better understand: in the country where I live (Italy) at this moment, there is a petition for a popular initiative law to establish a minimum wage. I signed because I believe that, despite being a statist imposition on the free market, this can be a small achievement towards protecting the most vulnerable social group against this rampant capitalism (or post-capitalism, if you prefer). Of course, in addition to that, I still believe that mutual aid and direct action are much more important and in line with my thinking, but with the act of signing, in this case, I think it can help many more people.

I look forward to your opinion and thank you.