Please interchange Mirage's 1 & 2.

Mirage's 1 (tornado) is a mobility spell. Almost all non-ultimate mobility abilities of other heroes are on 2. Why is Mirage the only exception?

Here's a list of non-ultimate mobility spells (let me know if I missed any) 1. Abrams - shoulder charge - is on 2. 2. Dynamo - quantum entanglement - is on 2. 3. Grey talon - rain of arrows - is on 2. 4. Haze - smoke bomb - is on 2. 5. Infernus - flame dash - is on 2. 6. Kelvin - ice path - is on 2. 7. Lash - grapple - is on 2. (his 1, group strike, is also mobility spell imo.) 8. Mirage - tornado - IS ON 1 FOR SOME REASON. 9. Mo & Krill - burrow - is on 2. 10. Pocket - flying cloak - is on 2. 11. Shiv - Slice and Dice - is on 2. 12. Vindicta - flight - is on 2. 13. Wraith - project mind - is on 2. 14. Yamato - flying strike - is on 2. New heroes (subject to change) 15. Calico - pounce - is on 2. 16. Slork - breach - is on 2. 17. Holliday - bounce pad - is on 2. 18. Magician - spectral assistant - is on 2. 19. Viper - slither - is on 3, huh. Maybe change this one as well.

This much consistency doesn't happen by accident. So devs must have made an intentional choice to put mobility spells on 2. Please do the same for Mirage.

Will post this tomorrow on feedback forums as well.