What are the most effective trading indicators you have used so far?

For traders who have spent time refining their strategies, indicators often play a crucial role in making informed decisions. I’m curious to learn from your experiences: what is the single most effective indicator you’ve used in your trading journey, and why do you find it so reliable? Additionally, do you customize its settings or parameters to better align with your trading style? For instance, if you use moving averages, do you prefer a specific period like 9, 21, or 50? Or if you rely on RSI, do you adjust the default levels or periods to better capture overbought or oversold conditions? Whether it’s a classic tool like MACD, Bollinger Bands, or Fibonacci retracements, or a lesser-known indicator, I’d love to hear about the specific tweaks or configurations that have made it most effective for you. Sharing these details could provide valuable insights for others looking to optimize their strategies!

For me its - Vortex Indicator