Help me understand cause of the crash
Controls : Mode 4 ( Left: Throttle Height/ Roll; Right: Pitch/ Yaw) Weather conditions: 20° C; no wind Time of the day: Almost sunset
Crash report: Couple of days ago, during the sixth flight of the drone, incorrect behavior of drone was recorded. Although the flight itself proceeded without any problems, when attempting to land the drone, it exhibited malfunctioning behavior. I lowered the drone from a high altitude to just a few meters above the grassy surface between two objects. At that point, the drone began to move and "drift" left and right autonomously, without my control as the pilot.
At the time of the incident, the drone was communicating with 25 satellites, no errors were recorded, and communication with the controller was good. Although positioned at a safe distance (in the middle), 5 m from both objects, the drone began to move independently toward the object on its right side when it was about 3 meters from the ground. The movement was slight but was in no way controlled by me as the pilot. At the last moment before a collision with the object, I managed to bring the drone back to a safe distance (to the middle). At that moment, I decided it was time to land the drone immediately and attempted to activate the "land" option on the controller (I don't know why I didn't made it with joystick). At that moment, the drone autonomously accelerated significantly without my control toward the object on its left side, with which it collided. Moment recorded at 8 minutes and 3 seconds of the flight log. It is important to note that such uncontrolled behavior of the drone did not occur during the first five flights. I am new pilot and had flight with it in total only 28 minutes.
As a result of the collision, the drone sustained minor scratches visible on the propellers and housing, as well as damage on pitch motor of the gimbal, with one of the three "pins" holding the pitch motor of the gimbal to the housing broken. The drone was powered on afterward, showing no errors and allowing flight, but due to the situation with the gimbal, the camera's position cannot be calibrated, so the starting position of the camera is facing downward. It can still be controlled via the controller (up and down) so there was no damage to the pitch motor of the gimbal.
Before you ask, Safe Care is not available in my country. I really have two options.
Asking for the change of the drone based on warranty in local shop in which bought it. They need to communicate with DJI and procedure can last for months with uncertain outcome. It depends if this is drone malfunction or pilot error.
Fix pitch motor of the gimbal in 3rd party service/shop for 70 EUR. In that case, it will be fixed in 7 days but will lose any opportunity to use warranty in future and don't know does the drone has some problem.
Was this drone malfunction or is this pilot error connected to some missed calibration, low light conditions or because of close proximity to the objects? I was trying to find an answer but I really need help from more experienced pilots.
Note: I made the same post on r/dji Thanks in advance.