Creature Commandos twist doesn't make sense

Spoiler tag, you've been warned

The final twist of "The Princess hired Clayface" makes 0 sense to me, at all, for a few reasons.

Firstly, she must have a mole within Waller's organization who would know who they went to to verify Circe's claims. If she didn't have a mole there, then she'd had to have known in advance that the professor would back up Circe and couldve had Clayface preemptively replace her.

If there was a mole and the replacing had to happen after the fact, how would she know Flag would be suspicious of the professor and investigate at her home? If anything, the professor suddenly going missing would've been enough to get their attention, but instead we see Clayface making a half-assed attempt at teaching her class, meaning if Flag hadn't been suspicious in the first place it could've been ages before her replacement was noticed by Waller and Co.

Furthermore, why would Clayface need to report back to her? And why do it in person, as a giant clay monster, instead of over the phone or in disguise as one of her Knights?

Honestly the more I look at it the more it feels like the ruse was intended for the viewer rather than an in-universe ploy. So many in-universe decisions were made for the benefit of the audience rather than making sense in context.

Imo, a better way to handle it all around would've been for The Bride to have noticed Alexei, the guard captain theyd killed recently, on the tapes talking to the Princess. Its a disguise that would make sense in that setting, but still tip them off that something was wrong. After the conversation, "Alexei" disappears around a corner and on the next screen is a run-of-the-mill knight. One of the Commandos goes to investigate and fights them, finding out it's Clayface, and that, combined with the phone call from Waller saying that the professor disappeared and was found dead in her apartment with clay filling her lungs (and Rick Flag telling her that Clayface was there), would've tipped them all off that the Princess was working with Clayface to truck them.

Cohesive, all the gambits and decisions are made for in-universe reasons, and we get an extra fight with Clayface.