Nature heal power issues
I love nature healing and always go back to it, however I find it very hard to play in latest content without a good troll. I think nature relies on heavy spamming since most of its healing powers can be clipped and you have to spam before damage comes in or you’re too slow but at least in non cr-capped content this drains my power insanely fast and you either have a good troll or your screwed. So I always go back to sorcery cos you basically don’t need a troll at all with arbiter of destiny.
Even with maxed cyborg and maxed phr I run out of power too easily with nature in new content the moment I clip 4-5 powers together. The only thing I think can save this is that either insectoid form or regeneration should also boost power regeneration…but they don’t right?
Any nature expert solve this somehow? My cr is 465 with 200 arts