About 1.5 months after pit surgery (52m)...Anyone else experience these symptoms?

So there have been some very positive changes since surgery. Blood pressure has gone way down, A1C is normal and I'm no longer on insulin, stretch marks are going away BUT there are some weird symptoms I was not aware were going to happen:

- Fatigue. Good grief I feel like I could sleep every day away. Before surgery, I was struggling with insomnia now I can easily get 8-9 hours of sleep a night.

- Taste. Food tastes different now but I cannot describe how.

- Appetite. That is mostly gone. Before surgery I was obsessed with food. It was like I could never eat enough. Now I almost have to force myself to eat. This is really weird for me.

I've discussed every one of these with my endo (who happens to be my favorite doctor). She said fatigue is normal. The others she wants to address again in a few months. I am just curious what others have experienced in this situation and how they dealt with it.