High Cortisol & High Prolactin
Seeking any and all help you amazing people can provide.
Late Friday evening my blood test results ordered by a gynecologist I've just been referred to showed a prolactin level of 54 ng/L.
I've previously had 2 high-ish AM Cortisol levels.
I'm concerned this high prolactin level is indicative of a pituitary tumor, especially combined with high cortisol levels.
I've struggled with chronic nausea and vomiting since childhood and this is still undiagnosed.
I was referred to the gyno after over the past two months my normally heavy periods have become horrendous with lemon/lime sized clots. A pelvic ultrasound showed a slightly enlarged uterus that is heterogeneous in echotexture.
The gyno requested I do further blood tests before confirming my referral, but now the results of said blood tests have me more worried than ever. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! TIA