Hey gang! What are some gaming tokens I’m missing out on ?
Hey gang ! What are some gaming tokens or companies that I may be missing out on ? Admittedly, I took a break from searching for new stuff at the risk of fomo during this last few months. I’m sure a lot has changed!!
Can y’all fill me in on some of the gaming tokens or companies that you are excited about recently ? No one knows shit and I know it, but someone people know more than others and I’d like to be somewhat informed on what’s moving along in this market!! I know it changes soo much from week to week and day to day.
On the other hand thou, I do appreciate your time and information! Hope everyone is hanging In there and are making semi smart moves right now. :)
I hope that was enough words to meet the minimum needed to post here, because I’m gonna be a rebel and not copy this whole message a means of insurance in case it rejects the characters. :)