Does She Like Me?
So basically i’m in high school, there’s this girl I met from a friend of mine and I really like her but I don’t know if she likes me back and I don’t know what to do. So we don’t really talk much at school at all but we always say hi or hello to each other in the hallways but it’s not like we don’t know each other like that because we’ve played videos with each other till like 5 am and we had such a fun time also i’ve told her stuff i never tell anyone because we one time read a romance webtoon and i’ve never done that with anyone because i think people will see me weird. I text her all the time and she actually answers to my texts and we talk about anything and she always does a !! or :)) at the end of The stuff we talk about seems like she’s kinda interested. I sent a couple of things to my female friends, and they say she likes me, but I still don’t know for sure. Every day in our fourth-period history class, she gives me those little gummy snacks because I asked for one a while ago, and it’s become a tradition. I genuinely get sad if she doesn’t give them to me. Sometimes, when we’re talking, I look into no her eyes, and it’s like a stare I’ve never seen before. The way she looks at me feels different from how she looks at other people. I might be delusional, but I’m hopeful that there’s something there. We give each other silly names, like “Sigma” or something stupid. For example, I’m “Little Sigma,” and she’s “Big Sigma,” or she’s “Little Spoon,” and I’m “Catbug” (if you know, you know). She also told me she only uses “brainrot” with me, even though she has other friends she could do it with, but she doesn’t. We always say goodnight, and she even texts me good morning before I wake up, which, to me, is crazy. If anyone thinks they know something—or if I’m just going crazy and being delusional—please help me out here.