Consequences of using a gift card
Did you know that if you "find" a gift card attached to a return and use it, the original card holder can report the card stolen and IF you use it, it can be traced to your account and Costco has the authority to revoke your membership indefinitely and ban you.
How do I know this? It happened to me - I "*lost" my return gc twice, in stores, and someone used it within minutes. I got the upending glory of watching one of the assholes on camera using the card WHILE I was at customer service asking if anyone found and returned a gift card. Both times the memberships of the theives were revoked and costco gave me my money back. It was a rather long process, but it was worth it. Fucking scumbags, I hope they choked on their pickles and chips.
**I technically dropped the first gift card and relaized it moments after, but the lady walking behind me just picked it up and kept it. The second time, I had the card resting on the cart as I was lifting a box into it and a guy swiped it when I had my back turned. Both times I was buying diapers. These instances happened months apart in 2 separate locations. My faith in humanity was never super high, but instances like this solidified that people just suck.