Out of Curiosity, why are the audiobooks as popular as they are?
Like don't me wrong I do use them. If i'm walking home or on the bus or whatnot. But it's always when i'm doing something that is taking some of my attention. I miss most of the smaller details when I do listen to a book. It's why I never do it for the first time. You'd swear how 90% of this reddit acts they're illiterate, or at the very least very vorin.
(Plus don't get me wrong, it's always funny to see people misspell Shallan, and Kaladin and some of the more non-clear spelled names)
One of the things this takes away from, in my opinion anyway, is how the author gives you a description and you imagine the setting of the scene. You don't get this with movie adaptations, because the scene is right there, but you also don't really get it from audiobooks either. I enjoy both them and graphic audio, but how they emphasize a certain paragraph, how they voice a character in particular really does take that away from you.
All in all, it isn't bad, but it's not "Reading" either. I'm sure this'll get a tonne of downvotes but I can't see how people equate this to reading, it's like saying you read harry potter (or whatever book.) when your mam or dad read it to you. It doesn't mean you're not a fan of the series or anything, but if you're going to read anything you actually need to invest a little bit of time into it. Instead of sticking it on when you're doing the dishes or going to sleep.
Here's my mini rant done and dusted, I'm on my box waiting for the tomatoes and downvotes to be thrown by way.
Guys I'm off the box. This was meant mostly as a joke partially out of idle curiosity. To be frank I prefer the books to the audiobooks and graphic novels, but I enjoy both. I'm not suggesting audiobooks be burned in a pyre or that anyone is an idiot or somehow lesser for having a different preference. I thought that went without saying but considering the comments down below just thought I'd put that out there.