Inherited my grandfathers lead toys, I’ve sorted them for the first time today. Curious about a few things if anyone’s willing to assist in learning more about them.
Things I know:
Toys are mostly lead and ceramic
Toys are from France, England and USA
Toys are dated by my family to be 1925-45
There’s some id numbers on the backs, barclay seems to be the most prolific brand
The collections is quite massive. How would you go about researching which pieces are valuable and which to group together?
I’ve looked around for databases of the toys without much luck, is there a selling/buying/auction community for these?
I think this is so cool to sift thru and learn more. So if anyone can chime in with what they may know about these toys I’d be thrilled.
I have some eBay and Facebook marketplace selling experience but nothing like the collection that’s been dropped upon me
Thank you
For the pictures they are grouped in categories
Large animals Small animals Farm workers Large Town workers Small town workers Horseback riders British soldiers American soldiers Indian soldiers Recreation Vehicles Buildings (wood, ceramic, metal) Disney