Alec Dawson said they want to soften hard-counters. What are some of the hardest counters right now that you would like to see softened?
I'll throw some ideas that come to mind without any specific order (based on my humble plat/diamond experience):
- Ana's nade vs Brawl tanks;
- Zen's discord vs Brawl tanks;
- Bastion's turret vs Shields;
- Reaper's shotguns vs Tanks without armor;
- Mei's wall vs Brawl tanks;
- Sombra's hack vs Most tanks;
- Zarya's beam vs D.Va;
- Sym's beam vs D.Va or shields;
- Orisa's javelin vs DF's block;
- Shields vs Zarya's beam;
- Moira's grasp vs Genji;
- Hitscan vs Flyers;
- Flyers vs Junkrat;
- Kiri's suzu vs Ana's nade