Anomaly tech: swapping in/out units on 4-6 may have an effect on your anomaly options shown

Been testing this out playing a lot of Violet lately climbing to challenger on my non-MetaTFT account where I've been averaging really good scores:

It seems possible that tailoring your board on 4-6 alters the anomaly options you are shown. Here are 3 clips (taken from the last couple days) where I find ultimate hero extremely fast by benching all my non-three-star units:

Bench all my non-three-stars, one roll, ultimate hero. (pardon Robin's voice in the background, was watching his stream while playing in a lobby with him)

Bench all my non-three stars, one roll, Bully (which is better when you have 3* units), another roll, ultimate hero.

Bench all my non-three-stars, one roll, ultimate hero.

There are probably other things you can tailor for but it seems possible that having only 3* units in can tailor for anomalies good for 3* units.

It sort of makes sense that this would exist - when was the last time you saw ultimate hero offered when you didn't have a 3* on your board? Pretty sure this isn't even possible.


Edit: it's not always this consistent. Looking through other replays of mine and there are some games where it Ultimate hero doesn't show up this consistently. Although it's possible there are some weird rules around it like how many exact units are left on the board and the specific rules around those units. Here's a replay where it didn't work where I had three 3* units on the board:

It also didn't work in this replay but it's possible the I'm The Carry Now golem messed with it: