Anyone else struggle to hit their MW2 rank?
I peaked in D2 in MW2 ranked play. I solo queue 95% of the time in MW2 and MW3, but occasionally party up with guys in my matches.
I played MW3 for the first month it was out and took a break until I heard ranked had come out. I didn’t play much season 1, I think I hit Silver 3 at Rank 3 or something. Anyways started Season 2 as Bronze and hit Plat 1 by level 20. I thought I’d fly to diamond at this rate, boy was I wrong. I was hard stuck Plat 1 for a while.
I finally hit diamond 1 at level 41. My SR was as in the toilet and I won 14 of my last 16 games getting like 25SR per game until I finally hit diamond. It feels good to have my season 2 goal knocked out but it was way more of a struggle than I thought it would be.