I don’t want to lose my deposit, please help!
I have 2 days until my lease is up and I was trying to get a small spot out of the carpet where some dirt spilled a while back. I made the mistake of using my Bissell Spot Clean Vacuum and forgot the suction nozzle was dirty where I cleaned vegetable oil out of a rug. This is what it looks like dry. Yes, I am fool, but what can I do to fix this.
I have 2 days until my lease is up and I was trying to get a small spot out of the carpet where some dirt spilled a while back. I made the mistake of using my Bissell Spot Clean Vacuum and forgot the suction nozzle was dirty where I cleaned vegetable oil out of a rug. This is what it looks like dry. Yes, I am fool, but what can I do to fix this.