[Recruiting] Vikings156 | TH9+ | Clan Level 13 | B2B War, FWA, Leagues, Arranged, Events, Social | PFF Family | #QRL2UPO
Odin Calls...
We're looking for experienced th9-11 players that enjoy a relaxed, pressure-free war environment. As part of the PFF (Play for Fun Family) our members have access to numerous resources to improve the clashing experience.
# How To Join...
Request In-Game (Add "From Reddit" in request)
# League Play
# We Are Vikings
🏆 Adults only
🏆 Opted in accounts only unless heroes upgrading
🏆 TH9+
🏆 International clan-lots of North Americans
🏆 No donation ratios to worry about
🏆 Back to back war
# In Valhalla
🛡 Fun, social, growing environment
🛡 Family wide events- 50v50, Civil wars, Arranged wars and more
🛡 A chance for league play
🛡 FWA war clans when you need a break from competitive wars
🛡 Mature clanmates
🛡 Casual atmosphere
🛡 Options-We have something for everyone
🛡 Organized leadership
🛡 Fairplay clan system
🛡 A place for all of your accounts throughout the family
🛡 To join visit our server or request in game. If rejected we are in war-join us on discord
🛡 Want to participate in big war/events/leagues but stay in your home clan regularly? Ask for the Family-Friend role in discord
# Let There Be War
✅ All TH9 and under use both attacks ASAP
✅ Once all 9s and below cleared scout top bases
✅ Pick your target-no mirrors and go for the 3 star
✅ Check with a leader/elder if not sure where to attack
✅ Near the end of war work with remaining attackers to pick your targets-lets everyone prepare for a base-call it out in game chat. That is it! No sketching, no mirrors, no looters, no base callers, no voice chat-just good teamwork.
# Play for Fun Family
☠ Multiple serious war clans
☠ FWA clans for farming/more relaxed atmosphere
☠ Growing Discord server
☠ Fun, social environment
☠ Multiple Leagues!
# Check us out on Discord