[Recruiting] Vi11ageWarriors | TH10+ | Clan Level: 23 | Farming/Push/FWA | FWA / FWA Evolution Clan Fanily
💎 FWA Evolution 💎
🛡️About FWA: http://www.farmwaralliance.org/fwa-rules
We are 6 clans teaming up to work together and share our resources.
🔰We are accepting TH10 and above 🔰
✔️Several alliances with war families and league play teams✔️
🛡️Social aspect outside of the game 🛡️
🌍We operate on discord PM for invite🌍
🔥 Invidia Bandit | Level 24 | #9VG8P90Q 🔥 #The Shield# | Level 17 | #PGPPQRLY 🔥 Rob-Seb | Level 23 | #8Q0L9CRY 🔥 Vi11ageWarriors | Level 23 | #LL2C8L8V 🔥 Spartan Warrior | Level 20 | #20LGGU0R 🔥 Petiks lang | Level 15 | #9UVC0RV0
SCCWL Options Available!