Interesting Nexus 7K Behavior - has anyone seen this?

If you have Nexus 7ks(didn't test on 9ks) with multiple VDCs and delete the admin username from the secondary VDCs, something interesting happens when you try and access those VDCs from the Admin VDC. When you use the 'switchto' command, it triggers the initial setup process, by asking for admin password and the other follow-up questions, even though the VDC is fully configured and running.

You can just add the admin password and skip the rest. Once the user is there, and you do switchback and switchto again. no issues. Delete the 'admin' username one more time, 'switchback' and 'switchto' to that secondary VDC and the same startup process happens again.

Question. is there a way to disable this behavior? we would rather not keep the admin account if at all possible.