I CANT wait anymore im going insane

I Have been on a journey for 2 and a half (I know its not that long ) to find out what the heck is going on with me. I have a large family history of illness and am currently diagnosed with Kyphosis, POTs, Generalized muscle weakness, hypermobility (running theory is EDS), ETC. and dealing with all of this while being in high school. I moved a year ish ago to where i am currently and I got a referal to genetics from my PCP I had to wait a year just to see the doctor and then they ordered a full exome panel It take 4 MONTHS since then we have been connecting the dots about more things and im going to have to go to more doctors BUT i cant do any of that till I get my genetic results back because they think i have a neuromuscular disorder to ( in addition to EDS). I have had so many break downs because i feel so sick yet i still have to keep up with the others all while not really knowing why i feel so sick i just cant do it anymore Im doing all i can which doesnt look like much from the outside but its all i have so i dont know what to do. The waiting is making me go mental but thats all i can do.

Thanks for reading any tips would be appreciated