Why are so many Christians conservatives and right wing when Jesus was all about loving thy neighbor and helping the poor? I'm genuinely confused

The more I learn about Jesus the more socialist he seems to be, (he didn't even allow money lending!)

Yet it seems so many people say they want to turn this country into a "Christian nation" yet they mean the opposite?

Why would so many Christian people vote for someone so antithetical to the Christian faith (lies, is greedy, hateful, does awful things to women, etc)

I'm genuinely asking because by all accounts would someone like trump or any of the republicans be closer to the anti-christ than christ?

(As in strong, charismatic, and planning to turn the world into a single 1 world government, he is literally trying to take over Canada and Greenland after all!)

I'm not judging or anything but I'm genuinely curious how the identity of Christians can be so swayed to go against their own teachings, of course no one is perfect but this is something that has been brewing for a very long time now and has finally started to overflow it seems.

I really think Jesus is great a role model so how can the majority who claim to love him do such the opposite?

Is there something I'm missing? I'd really appreciate it, because this sub seems to actually be closer to what I would expect from those who claim to accept Christ as their lord and savior and use his wisdom and guidance, thank you in advance.