A friend of mine died,his family is Muslim and organasies a 'sakkada' tonight,a moment of remembrance I want to go there and talk about Jesus what should I do? Please answer me

Hey A dear friend of mine died on saturday of a cancer,I'm still very shattered about his passing. He was very kind and we talked a few times about the Lord Jesus Christ. He said that he didn't belong to any particular religion,he exuded peace many times,my friend was understanding and his actions spoke more than words. It's the second most marking death for me. I prayed for him before he passed,my last comment on one of his Facebook post was : "you remain in my prayers" and he pressed on the heart emoji. Yes,my post here is very long as he meant a lot for me ! I'm so broken 😥 he once said i've seen a light after a nde and said in front of others that I tried to be a good christian. I feel a bit guilty because one year ago until not very long from now but not far either I wasn't very steeped in Christ but my prayers for him were sincère,do you think hé was toucher? I know God hears our prayers and answer and a christian couple I know also prayed for him. Tonight there is what they call a 'sakkada' where they will be encouragement, salutations,donations... Muslim rituals but my friend wasn't a Muslim. So I've decided to go there to tell about Christ but it is very difficult for me as it is a Muslim 'ceremony' how can I engage conversation,what to say...? Thank you a lot. I need support