Lost my grandfather two days ago, losing my faith
I still can't fully wrap my head around it. I arrived for a vacation on Thursday, saw him that same evening and he was fine. He was emotional and was happy to see us. That night, he was rushed to the hospital and didn't make it because of an intestinal hemorrhage. It was all incredibly sudden.
I don't know what to do now. He was an amazing person. I always shared a laugh with him and it just seems like he was the perfect grandfather for me. I'm confused and shocked. I've cried plenty on the first night. I can't imagine he's gone.
I'm not sure what to do. I've been Christian for a long time now and have always put my faith first. I trusted in God. And when the time came, it's like he left me. Worst of all, I didn't even get to say goodbye. I never saw his face other than on Thursday evening. I was going to go on the next day, since doctors said he had a few hours, but even God refused to grant me one last goodbye.
I'm shocked and I don't know what to do. Sorry if the post is long and unorganized.