does anyone else find it strange that the Trolls constantly criticized the childish aspects of Chris when it was the adult aspects of him that actually made him a bad person?
obviously I don’t expect logic from the majority of early 2000s internet trolls, yet I find it very odd that the majority of the trolls who claimed they wanted to “help” Chris (eg Kacey) did nothing but constantly ridicule the inevitably harmless aspects of him. Rather than taking an issue with his actions towards people, they primarily focused on the fact that he was unemployed and enjoyed playing with and collecting toys. My personal belief is that due to his behavior and disabilities, not having a job is not only better for Chris, but even more so better for literally everyone around him. I could not imagine being the poor bastard who would have to share their shift with a hypothetical employed Chris Chan, being his coworker would be a living hell. Obviously contributing to society and helping out with family bills is always a great thing, but when someone is as mentally disabled as Chris is, there is no tangible way to expect that from him or anyone in that position. From what I’ve observed, his enjoyment of toys and video games helps to pacify him and make him significantly less of a menace than he is when he tries to act ‘adult’ and any attempt the trolls have had to take that away from him in any capacity has just ended up leaving him acting worse than he would have before. What I would have done in Kacey’s shoes is practically the opposite of what she did if I am being honest. I would have tried to tell him to stop pursuing any girls or adult life endeavors, and tried to get him to accept himself for who he is rather than trying to mold him into a weird Frankenstein imitation of society’s standards for the average adult man. I would have instead told him to focus on writing more sonichu and playing with his legos to distract him from what makes him a nuisance. I doubt my hypothetical methods would ever cause him to really change, but they seem like they would be far more efficient in dealing with someone with those types of disabilities than what ever Kacey and other trolls where trying to do.