Doxorubicin + Ifosfamide help
I'm on my fourth round out of six of chemotherapy for spindel cell soft tissue sarcoma and do far I've been lucky with my side effects. I was wondering though if there was any helpful advice for some of my symptoms or ways to prevent things I may not know about yet in the future. So far I have sores in my mouth, this didn't start until this fourth round, and it's on the side of my tongue 🙃. I've informed my doctor already, but my heart tends to feel weak during treatment weak. I am anemic and I am receiving iron infusions for it. I've gotten one plasma transfusion already. After I get my steriod shot for my white blood cells at the end of the week my body tends to swell, I've gotten lots of new stretch marks from it, and I'm not sure how to lessen those affects. I've also lost all of my hair, the only problem I have with this is body image and my nose runs like faucet. My gums are also really hurting, and I use a 3x soft bristle toothbrush. Food also stops tasting like anything and then taste too much the week after. Any tips? Anything I should be careful of or avoid?