Media that fails to properly sell the destructive power of water magic (and similar powers)
Yes, water jets can cut through steel. Yes, maelstroms can sink ships, and tsunamis can sweep through cities. Yes, more advanced applications of water magic can desiccate, burst open, or puppeteer a human body, which is mostly water anyway.
But when a piece of media tries to depict the destructive power of water magic just by showing a character power washing some bad guys... I do not know. It simply falls flat for me. For example, I find Genshin and Star Rail to be egregious about this with their two water dragons, whose allegedly super-strong water powers are portrayed as simply throwing water around, as if the liquid is infused with some poorly explained magic that makes it rend apart souls. (In Star Rail's case, it seems to be infused with Imaginary energy, but this is never actually explained, is it?)
To be clear, what I am actually looking for is showing, not telling, that those big balls and streams of water carry tremendous force behind them. It is hard to get a sense of "Oh, gosh, if [character] got hit by that column of water, then they would have been out of the fight" without first establishing what these aqueous manifestations could do to, say, some boulder or some wall.
In-universe benchmarking goes a very long way, in my opinion.