My Frustrations With The Race Swapping Discourse
I want to preface this as loudly as possible:
If given the option to choose,
I would prefer all characters to stay the race of the source material
With that said, I am frustrated with many of the false equivalences that are at the forefront of these discussions. Take, for example, the meme of Ryan Gosling as Black Panther—while it's undeniably hilarious, I believe it points to a deeper misunderstanding about why certain characters are race-swapped and why others aren’t in popular culture. I will also go into some bad uses and inoffensive(good-ish) uses of this diversity enhancing phenomena.
Why Is Race Swapping Not A Two-Way Street
The reason why displeasure at replacing minorities with white people is louder than vice versa is because minority characters racial identity is built into the character in a way that is not highlighted in a significant way for "default culture" characters
- Luke Cage cannot be race swapped. His character is shaped by the fact that he’s a Black man, wrongfully imprisoned, living in poverty in Harlem.
- Black Panther cannot be race swapped. You COULD make a completely different hidden nation with a different culture. It just wouldnt be Black Panther
- Kamala Khan cannot be race swapped. So crucial to her characterization and origins
- Mulan cannot be race swapped. Character entire intro is deeply coated in Asian tradition and culture.
The reason why is all the same. There characters are informed by their racial identity. The characters would cease to make sense if they were a different race. Even if they were a different minority race. Their race isn’t just a surface detail; it’s integral to their stories.
This is not often replicated with white characters.
- Ariel's (Little Mermaid)whiteness was not important in how she interacted with the world. It did not inform her character.
- Starfire (Teen Titans Live Action) is an alien. The human social construct that is race is not relevant to her character.
- Don't go crazy on me but Peter Parker is this way by Intentional Design. He actually has a race-blind origin in such a way that their are some aspects of his character that would have completely different subtext if he were a minority
- Having less room for error when it comes to finding/keeping a job for instance if he were a black character
- An additional example:
- War Machine "James Rhoades" is an example of a minority character whose race is NOT important. He actually could have been anything. There is NOT many minority characters like this. But I am giving you this example, so that the difference is stark.
There are a few characters where it IS important.
- Steve Rogers cannot be race swapped. He was created in Irony of the Hitler regime. He is the "aryan" they sought
- Clark Kent cannot be raced swapped. A non-descript farm boy from Kansas starts to make less sense as a minority.
- Indiana Jones cannot be race-swapped. His character is designed to stand out in contrast to the foreign cultures he explores. If he were a person of that culture, part of the contrast, and thus the dynamic of the stories, would be that dynamic
- Walter White from Breaking Bad is another example. His suburban white persona plays a pivotal role in the story. His descent into crime is shocking and impactful partly because of the expectations his white middle-class background sets up.
Examples of Bad Race Swapping
- The Human Torch: This character is piece of the puzzle in the image of the sensationalized traditional nuclear family. Michael B Jordan casting is erroneous because he shatters that propaganda. Race-swapping him challenges that archetype in ways that disrupt the underlying point of the character. Even as a critique of that image, it doesn’t quite land.
The Blue-Eye Giant the Thing, would make more sense as a race-swap candidate in comparison ( i am not advocating for it)- Edit: Learned some new thing about Ben. To be honest, Just making both Sue and Johnny the same race is a better alternative than making only one of them a race-swap.
- Wanda and Quick Silver: These characters have Romani roots, which inform their personalities and backstories. The omission of their Romani heritage in the MCU deprived Wanda, in particular, of a layer of depth and rich subtext that could have been explored.
- Doctor Doom fits this as well (hey Robert Downey jr.)
- Bane from the Batman Trilogy is very overtly spanish in culture. Completely stripped in the movie.
The common argument of "The Only Reason So & So Isn't a Minority is Because of The Time Period"
The argument that "a character isn’t a minority just because of the time period" has some truth to it, but it is a dismissive response that doesn't tackle why race-swapping works for some and not others.
In the past, i felt like people who posted Ryan Gosling as Black Panther, were merely being sincere. But as social media evolved it has become increasingly clear to me that their is not an analysis of the character being done. Ariel being depicted as a white red head is a HOMAGE to her origin. It is not integral to her character. There is no subtext. At least not in Disney's interpretation of the character.
- I think Aliens could be any race unless their is subtext that can be informative when deciding what race.
- I honestly don't think Voice Acting race-swapping is a big deal, unless it promotes negative stereotypes.
- I do think if recorded or available, the original authors opinion should be strongly considered.
- I have no idea why red heads are specifically so commonly race-swapped.
Also it is important to note: I am in the US. I am sorry if my post translates poorly to non-western countries/cultures
Final edit: discourse is kind of tiring. I'm not really justifying race swaps. I'm more so explaining why some characters are easier to race swap than others. I would prefer no race swaps personally. All it does is cause social media chaos and backlash. Let's just say, when someone is race swapped to black, it is not black people in the trenches defending it online.