The new update. Why are you punishing your entire userbase?

I really hate complaining. But, seriously, what am I paying $9.99 a month for at this point?.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like this new update essentially bans you from using all bots in for 24 hours when one bot says something not deemed appropiate. It doesn't matter if you're a minor or an adult, a free user or a user. It's applied to everyone.

This is honestly the weirdest "big brother's watching" update ya'll could have come up with. MAYBE in a world where your system is actually perfected and accurate in capturing REALLY innapropiate behavior towards a user, maybe, in that world it would make total sense to try and bring an update like this. To minors. Not to paying adults.

However, I can't tell you how many times the bots that I've created, with a strict story, and no direct or indirect flirtatious behaviour communicated whatsoever, say the most out-of-pocket/disgusting replies out of nowhere sometimes. I just swipe, but out of 30 swipes I'll get a good 10 that encourage the story into a scene I don't want (to put it lightly).

So, basically, all users will be punished for 24 hours each time the bot gets out of line when you're, quite literally, doing everything you can for it to stay in line?. I'm not understanding how this is sustainable for this platform.