All of my high school classmates are getting engaged/married and I'm still single
A few days ago, I checked facebook, and it looks like another of my classmates from high school is getting engaged. All I can do is congratulate them. Yet somehow this still bothers me: the fact that within the two-year time frame since 2023, I've been seeing posts about my batchmates and classmates from high school getting engaged, married, are parents already, and here I am, turning 29 this year and still single.
The funny thing is, I made a self-oath to not marry until I'm stable enough or until I'm in my mid-30s, so this shouldn't bother me. And yet, as if some divine prank, it does bother me. It bothers me that everyone is getting engaged/married and I am not even in a relationship at all. This haunts me to the point I cannot even focus on my work.
Maybe I should delete my facebook if this thought continues to bother me.